Picture of Jason Welsh and His Puppy

Hello, I’m Jason.

I am a front-end web developer


I am an aspiring web developer, and I love learning all I can about anything web related.

I am a multi instrument musician and music instructor, and have worked for over twelve years in the field. Now I want to use the skills, discipline, and focus I have gained and employ those qualities in my pursuit of becoming a talented web developer.

I am passionate about:

  • fitness
  • nutrition
  • my two dogs (Arwen and Moya)
  • hiking
  • the outdoors
  • coding
  • music
  • astronomy and anything space related
  • science fiction and fantasy
  • learning in general


I want to master the process of building web sites and applications, and increase my knowledge, skills and abilities in:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Node

I would love to work as a developer in any place where I can contribute my skills and knowledge, while continuing to learn and grow as a developer.

Every single day I aim to know more than the day before, and to further refine my existing skills and knowledge to become the best developer I can be.